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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Work in Progress

After working for 2 days on the face, this lady has a very sweet smile.

I've been working on cleaning up a Costume Parisien fashion plate.  The plate is in bad condition; it looks as tho the person doing the water-color wash accidentally smeared it, or spilled something on it.  The original engraving must have come out a bit odd; giving the lady's face a sort of negative-racoon-look!

Its taking me awhile because I'm trying to get results that look a lot like the original intent.  Otherwise, I'd just sketch it by hand.  Which I may do anyway, just for fun.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ackermann's Repository of the Arts, La Belle Assemblee

Above Left:  This is one of the UGLIEST Regency dresses I've seen. It's also one of the few plates showing a printed fabric. The picture on the Right is one of the prettiest outfits!  Both are Ackermann's, tho the captions were cut off.

Below:  One plate from Ackermann's, one from La Belle Assemblee. Plus the original scans.  The Ackermann's plate has a signature underneath the lady's chair.  I highlighted it as best I could, but I'm not sure I got it right. It's very faded on the original plate.
Ackermann's Repository, La Belle Assemble
Ackermann's Repository, la Belle Assemble

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Book Covers I've done for Wings ePress

Here are a few of the book covers I've done for Wings ePress.

Two Ladies with Telescope

Original Ackermann's Repository Fashion print

Ackermann's Repository of the Arts

I really like this plate.  I'm showing the original scan which has images from the opposite page; the cleaned up version, and a third version that I colorized.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bonnets, Hats, and Caps

I'm currently working on a post showing bonnets etc.  One of the originals is in really poor condition and taking some time to clean up without destroying details.  The caps are very interesting -more detailed and elaborate than I had imagined when reading Heyer or other Romance authors.  I enjoy doing this, it is a great stress-reliever, and I get a lot of practice with Photoshop.  Just got a new version (my previous one was 8 years old! Practically from the Stone Age!) and I'm playing with it.  Its a "student" version from England, so a bit different from American versions, I think. Anyway, its fun.  I can always use Photoshop Elements if things get too complicated for me!  I may post a few photos of "Georgian" and "Regency" jewelery: NOT owned by myself, of course.  

I do have a beautiful miniature from the Regency era, of a beautiful lady posed somewhat like the Empress Josephine.  I don't want to remove it from the frame, so it'll take a bit of work to get a good scan thru the glass.

Most of the pictures I post are in my Screensaver's folder, and my computer rotates thru them at random.

I keep meaning to post more links to Regency/Fashion/Austen sites.  One of these days!