My Blog List

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Photoshop Ice Sculpture Instructions... coming (pretty) soon.

Well, crumb! Goggle has made it difficult to post or edit this blog with my current Browser. Hmpf.

I've been busy moving, running around trying to get utilities set up and so on. Didn't have internet connection till a couple of days ago.

I intended to give instructions on how to make the "Ice Sculptures" but when I finally got around to it... I can't remember the exact process!  Why didn't I note them down? I'd got the process to about, hmmm, five or 6 simple steps.  So, I'm re-discovering the whole thing.  Of course I remember most of the steps, but not the order, and I seem to have forgotten something important, that gives the "ice" that translucent and chilly look.  While fooling around last night I found a way to make a really COOL snow-person.

In a couple of days I'll have figured it all out, and simplified it.  I think.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Regency Christmas Card- Slightly More Christmassy

Regency Christmas Card

And here I have an elegant Regency (actually "Empire" since its a Fashion Print from Costume Parisien) Gentleman.  I'm getting the knack.  Turning the print into "ice" works better if there is a bit less detail in the picture. I've skipped the "3-D" filter but used the "Emboss".  Then there are "Glass" filters and the "Transparency" layer option, along with "screen" and "color burn" layers.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Regency Christmas Card#2, 2011

Original Fashion Print
For this Regency Christmas Card I perused several Photoshop Tutorials on making a picture of an Ice Sculpture... they were either too complicated (30steps!), or the required filter  (3-D filter, scowl :-(  ) wasn't working on my computer.  So I've been "fooling around" switching between the easy Photoshop Elements and the slightly harder Photoshop CS4.  This Ice Sculpture came out quite realistic, I think, though it should be just a little bit more opaque.

I am working on stylizing the Brighton Pavilion background... adding snowflakes, that sort of thing.  Also, I think I'll write down the various steps I used and hope to repeat the process and results!

Ironically, the least realistic item in the picture is the ice cube the lady is posing on- and it is a photo of a real ice cube.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regency Christmas- Snow Globe with Man

This one was fairly easy, as the ice-skating young French Hottie was already done (you can find it elsewhere on this blog).  I'm working on a lady skating, taking another Costume Parisien fashion print and altering it.  I've been working on an "Ice Sculpture" of an Ackermann's Beauty... family says it isn't "icy enough".  So I'm just mulling it over.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Regency Christmas Cards

Let's see... Daughter is doing well, tho experiencing some pain from the 9" scar in her side. Possibly "adhesions". She probably should have had a little post-surgical physical therapy.  She's started school this week, enjoying herself, tried out for a play.

I'm going to make a few more Regency Christmas Cards this year, just for fun and to get back into practice.  I used to do so every year, but dropped off the Almacks list accidentally! and got out of the habit.  This year I'm going to alter a couple of the Costume Parisien plates. Not sure which ones...

I'm open to any requests & suggestions! I'll post the cards at 200dpi, good for downloading.  If anyone wants higher (300) dpi, just send me an email.

Here is a Regency Ice Skating print from Long Ago:

Ice Skating Print from Regency Era, I think.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cat Advice for the Hospital Stay

Last couple of months I've been preoccupied with my daughter's health.  She had surgery 2 weeks ago and is recovering rapidly.

Here are some pictures sent by her Uncle Ned's cats, giving sage advice on doctor and hospital visits.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blogging will resume in a week or so

-so many Family Situations to deal with! 13 year old girl with health & school problems.... things are working out, thank Goodness.

Anyhow, I am posting this link to Royal Wedding Gowns (It was posted it at Austen Only Blog, which I heartily reccommend!)  This Youtube and others on the same page are very interesting and a pleasure to behold.

I think the pink dress used as my Avitar would make a fabulous wedding dress for any one at any time in History.  Imagine the Bride in pale pink or ivory, her maids of honor in the same dress, different color underdress!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Work in Progress

After working for 2 days on the face, this lady has a very sweet smile.

I've been working on cleaning up a Costume Parisien fashion plate.  The plate is in bad condition; it looks as tho the person doing the water-color wash accidentally smeared it, or spilled something on it.  The original engraving must have come out a bit odd; giving the lady's face a sort of negative-racoon-look!

Its taking me awhile because I'm trying to get results that look a lot like the original intent.  Otherwise, I'd just sketch it by hand.  Which I may do anyway, just for fun.